CEV User Guide


CancerEvolutionVisualization (CEV) creates customizable, publication quality plots for representing tumour evolution data. This guide will focus on phylogentic tree visulaization using CEV. For simple plots, this package will handle most settings right out of the box. However, more complex plots may require some trial and error to achieve the right arrangement of nodes and branches.

This guide will show best practices for creating plots, as well as examples of common use cases and tips for refining plot settings.



To install the main branch version from GitHub, run the following command in R:

devtools::install_github('uclahs-cds/public-R-CancerEvolutionVisualization', ref = 'main');

To install from a specific branch, replace main with the branch name.

Basic Phylogenetic Tree Visualization

Input Phylogenetic Data

There are many methods for determining subpopulations within genomic data, and you should be free to use whatever method you prefer for a given dataset. This package only handles visualization - not analysis. Therefore, data must be prepared and formatted before being passed to any CEV functions.

The input for phylogenetic tree visualization is a data frame where each row defines a parent-child relationship between 2 subclones. To load the data required for this user guide, run the following code:


The simple.example contains an example of a simple tree with 4 nodes while the complex.example contains a more complex tree with 25 nodes. Both data frames contain a tree data frame and the simple.example also contains a text dataframe. The tree component contains the tree data, while the text component contains the text annotations.

Simple Example

The simple.example tree data frame contains informationof the tree structure as well as aesthetic node-by-node customization settings (colours, edge type, etc.). The text data frame contains text annotations for each node.

Simple Example Tree
parent length.1 length.2 angle CP node.col node.label.col border.col border.type border.width edge.col.1 edge.type.1 edge.width.2 edge.col.2 polygon.col
NA 12 850 NA 1.00 white black black NA NA NA NA 2 green4 NA
1 10 1000 NA 0.40 blue2 white white dotted 2 blue2 dashed 2 green4 NA
1 15 1100 90 0.23 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 green4 orange
2 10 760 -70 0.31 NA lightblue lightblue dotted 3 lightblue dotted 2 green4 NA
Simple Example Text
name node col fontface
GENE1 2 red plain
GENE2 2 black plain
GENE3 2 blue NA
GENE4 3 NA italic
GENE5 3 red plain

Ex. 1.1: Minimal Tree

The simplest input format is a column containing the parent node of each individual node. By default, the row index is assigned as node.id. Each node is restricted to one parent. The root node will not have a parent, so a value of NA is used. To plot the tree, we can use the SRCGrob function. This function will return a grob object that can be passed to grid.draw to render the plot.Alternatively, we provided a wrapper function create.phylogenetic.tree that will automatically render the plot or save the plot into a TIFF, PNG, PDF or SVG file.

parent.only <- data.frame(simple.example$tree[, 'parent', drop = FALSE]);
parent.only.tree <- SRCGrob(parent.only);

Ex. 1.2: Using node.id, parent and label columns

With the minimal input, the tree will be rendered with numeric node labels, corresponding to the row index (default node.id). A node.id column can be included in the input data frame if the IDs reported in the parent column does not correspong to row indexes.

node.id <- data.frame(
    node.id = as.character(c(2, 5, 6, 1)),
    parent = as.character(c(NA, 2, 2, 5))
node.id.tree <- create.phylogenetic.tree(node.id);

By default the node.id will be used to label the nodes. To customize node labels, a label column can be included in the input data frame to override the node.id values.

node.id$label <- c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D');
node.id.tree <- create.phylogenetic.tree(node.id);

Ex. 1.3: Branch Lengths

It’s common to associate branch lengths with a the values of a particular variable (for example, PGA or SNVs). Up to two branch lengths can be specified. Including a length.1 and/or length.2 column in the tree dataframe will enable this branch scaling behaviour, and automatically adding a corresponding y-axis. Specifying multiple length columns will result in multiple (distinctly coloured) parallel lines. For each branch, the next node will be placed at the end of the longest line.

branch.lengths <- simple.example$tree[, c('parent', 'length.1', 'length.2')];
branch.lengths.tree <- create.phylogenetic.tree(branch.lengths);

Ex. 1.4: Branch Scaling

Branches are scaled automatically, but users can further scale each branch with the scale1 and scale2 parameters. These values scale each branch proportionally, so scale1 = 1.5 would make the first set of branch lengths 50% longer.

scaled.tree <- create.phylogenetic.tree(
    scale1 = 1.5,
    scale2 = 0.5

Ex. 1.5: Y-Axis Labels

The y-axis are automatically generated and lengths of different sizes are scaled to fit the plot. The y-axis labels can be customized by specifying the yaxis1.label and yaxis2.label parameters.

yaxis.tree <- create.phylogenetic.tree(
    tree = branch.lengths,
    yaxis1.label = 'PGA (%)',
    yaxis2.label = 'Number of SNVs'

Ex. 1.6: Axis Tick Placement

The default axis tick positions can be overridden with the yat parameter. This expects a list of vectors, each corresponding to the ticks on the y-axis.

yaxis1.ticks <- c(10, 20, 30, 35, 40);
yaxis2.ticks <- c(100, 250, 400);

yat.tree <- create.phylogenetic.tree(
    yat = list(

Ex. 1.7: Scale Bars

Alternatively, the y-axis can be replaced with a scale bar. The scale.bar = TRUE parameter will add a scale bar to the plot, replacing the y-axis. The scale bar will be placed at the top of the plot, and the y-axis will be removed. To further customize the scale bar postion and size, users can use the following parameters: - scale.bar.coords specifies the relative x and y coordinates of the scale bar. Both values should range from 0 to 1. - scale.size.{1,2} specifies the size of the scale bar if the default is unsatisfactory. - scale.padding specifies the padding between the scale bars if multiple scale bars are present.

scalebar.tree <- create.phylogenetic.tree(
    tree = branch.lengths,
    yaxis1.label = 'PGA (%)',
    yaxis2.label = 'Number of SNVs',
    scale.bar = TRUE,
    scale.bar.coords = c(0, 0.6),
    scale.size.2 = 1000,
    scale.padding = 4

Ex. 1.8: Visualizing Cellular Prevalence

A CP column containing the cellular prevalence or cancer cell fraction (CCF) of each subclone can be added to the input tree dataframe. These values typically range between 0 and 1, and the sum of all child nodes must not be larger than their parent node’s value. Whether you are using ‘CCF, ’CP’ !2022 r any other metric, make sure the x-axis label matches the metric used.

CP <- simple.example$tree[, c('parent', 'length.1', 'length.2', 'CP')];
CP.default.tree <- create.phylogenetic.tree(
    xaxis.label = 'CCF'

To control the overall scale of the polygons, users can modify the polygon.scale parameters. The polygon.colour.scheme parameter can be used to specify a colour palette for the polygons. When a single colour is provided, a light-to-dark gradient will be generated based on the given colour. If multiple colours are provided, the gradient will transition between the given colours. An optional polygon.col column can be included in the tree input to override the polygon colour scheme.

Polygon transparency can be specified in the tree input dataframe using the polygon.alpha

Customizing Node Arrangement

CEV provides several methods for refining the spacing and arrangement of a tree’s nodes. This is especially useful in complex trees, which often require more attention to avoid visual problems such as node collisions and uneven branch/level spacing. Here, we see a tree with many issues.

Consider this example tree.

Ex. 2.1: Node Spread

An optional spread column can be included in the input tree data.frame. Spread operates relatively as a percentage of the initial angle calculation.

  • A spread value of 1 or NA will leave the spacing unchanged.
  • A spread value greater than 1 will increase the space between nodes. For example, a spread value of 1.25 will spread the nodes 25% more.
  • A spread value less than 1 will decrease the space between nodes. For example, a spread of 0.85 will spread the nodes 15% less.

To create more space for the numerous nodes in the lower levels of our example tree, we can increase the spread of the nodes at the top level. To create even more room, we can decrease the spread of some lower level nodes where appropriate.

spread.tree.input <- complex.tree.input;
spread.tree.input$spread <- 1;
spread.tree.input$spread[2:5] <- c(2, 2, 3, 2);
spread.tree.input$spread[c(6:7, 17:18, 24:25)] <- 0.5;
spread.tree.input$spread[c(8:10, 18:21)] <- 0.75;
spread.tree.input$spread[c(11:16)] <- 1.75;

spread.tree <- create.phylogenetic.tree(spread.tree.input);

Ex. 2.2: Node Angles

Alternative, an angle column can be specified to manually set the angle of each node. Angels are specified in degrees, where 0 points opposite from the parent edge. Angles can be provided in radians when use.radians = TRUE.

When angle and spread are both specified, angle will take precedence.

angle.input <- complex.tree.input;
angle.input$angle <- NA;
angle.input$angle[2:5] <- c(-80, -20, 30, 85);

angle.tree <- create.phylogenetic.tree(angle.input);

Phylogenetic Tree Modes

CEV currently supports two modes for visualizing phylogenetic trees: radial and dendrogram. The default mode is radial, but users can switch to dendrogram mode by setting the mode column to dendrogram.

Ex. 3.1: Radial Mode

This mode spreads nodes out radially from the root node. Examples for plotting and customizing radial trees have been shown in the previous sections.

Ex. 3.2: Dendrogram Mode

This mode is useful for trees with many nodes, as it avoids node collisions and can be easier to read.

dendrogram.input <- complex.tree.input;
dendrogram.input$mode <- 'dendrogram';

dendrogram.tree <- create.phylogenetic.tree(dendrogram.input);

Customizing Phylogenetic Tree Aesthetics

CEV gives the user control over numerous visual aspects of the tree. By specifying optional columns and values in the tree input data.frame, the user has individual control of the colour, width, and line type of each node, label border, and edge.

Supported Aesthetic Input Columns

Style Column Defaults
Node presence draw.node TRUE
Node Label label node.id column
Node Colour node.col white
Node Label Colour node.label.col black
Node Border Colour border.col black
Node Border Width border.width 1
Node Border Line Type border.type solid
Node Size node.size 1
Edge Colour edge.col.1, edge.col.2 black, green
Edge Width edge.width.1, edge.width.2 3, 3
Edge Line Type edge.type.1, edge.type.2 solid, solid
Connector Colour connector.col black
Connector Width connector.width 3
Connector Line Type connector.type solid

Default values replace missing columns and NA values, allowing node-by-node, and edge-by-edge control as needed. Connector parameters are set only when dendrogram mode is used. For sparsely defined values (for example, only specifying a single edge), it can be convenient to initialize a column with NAs, then manually assign specific nodes as needed.

Line Types

Valid values for line type columns are based on lattice’s values (with some additions and differences).

Line Type

Ex. 4.1: Styled Tree

node.style <- simple.example$tree[, c(
    'parent', 'length.1', 'length.2',
    'node.col', 'node.label.col',
    'border.col', 'border.width', 'border.type',
    'edge.col.1', 'edge.type.1',
    'edge.col.2', 'edge.width.2'

node.style.tree <- create.phylogenetic.tree(node.style);

Ex. 4.2: Nodeless Tree

Complex trees may benefit from simpler visual styles. For example, there may not be room to render the node ellipses. CEV provides node-by-node control with the draw.node column.

nodeless <- spread.tree.input;
nodeless$draw.node <- TRUE;
n <- table(nodeless$parent);
nodeless$draw.node[nodeless$parent %in% n[n >= 4]] <- FALSE;
parent spread draw.node
1 NA 1.00 TRUE
2 1 2.00 TRUE
3 1 2.00 TRUE
4 1 3.00 TRUE
5 1 2.00 TRUE
6 2 0.50 TRUE
7 2 0.50 TRUE
8 3 0.75 TRUE
9 3 0.75 TRUE
10 3 0.75 TRUE
11 4 1.75 FALSE
12 4 1.75 FALSE
13 4 1.75 FALSE
14 4 1.75 FALSE
15 4 1.75 FALSE
16 4 1.75 FALSE
17 5 0.50 TRUE
18 5 0.75 TRUE
19 6 0.75 FALSE
20 6 0.75 FALSE
21 6 0.75 FALSE
22 7 1.00 TRUE
23 8 1.00 TRUE
24 9 0.50 TRUE
25 9 0.50 TRUE
nodeless.tree <- create.phylogenetic.tree(nodeless);

Text Annotations

Annotations can be added using a secondary dataframe to specify additional text corresponding to each node.

Ex. 5.1: Edge annotations

Each row must include a node ID for the text. Text will be stacked next to the branch preceeding the specified node.

simple.text.data <- simple.example$text[, c('name', 'node')];

simple.text.tree <- create.phylogenetic.tree(
    tree = parent.only,
    node.text = simple.text.data

To specify the distance between edges and text, the node.text.line.dist parameter can be used.

simple.text.tree2 <- create.phylogenetic.tree(
    tree = parent.only,
    node.text = simple.text.data[4:5, ],
    node.text.line.dist = 0.5

Ex. 5.2: Specifying Text Colour and Style

  • An optional col column can be included to specify the colour of each text.
  • A fontface column can be included to bold, italicize, etc. These values correspond to the standard R fontface values.
  • NA values in each column will default to black and plain respectively.
Simple Example Text
name node col fontface
GENE1 2 red plain
GENE2 2 black plain
GENE3 2 blue NA
GENE4 3 NA italic
GENE5 3 red plain
full.text.tree <- create.phylogenetic.tree(
    tree = parent.only,
    node.text = simple.example$text

Additional Plot Parameters

The default settings should produce a reasonable baseline plot, but many users will want more control over their plot. This section will highlight some of the most common parameters in SRCGRob that can be passed in through create.phylogenetic.tree .

Ex. 6.1: Adding the Normal Node

The most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of all malignant subclones is a descendant of normal or germline cells. The normal node is added to the tree by setting the add.normal parameter to TRUE. The size of this node can be specified with the normal.cex parameter.

normal.tree <- create.phylogenetic.tree(
    add.normal = TRUE,
    normal.cex = 2

Ex. 6.2: Horizontal Padding Between Tree and Axes

Some plots require more or less horizontal padding between the x-axes and the tree itself. The horizontal.padding parameter scales the default padding proportionally. For example, horizontal.padding = -0.8 would reduce the padding by 80%.

padding.tree <- create.phylogenetic.tree(
    yaxis1.label = 'PGA (%)',
    yaxis2.label = 'Number of SNVs',
    horizontal.padding = -0.8

Ex. 6.3: Plot Title

The main title of the plot is referred to as main in plot parameters. main sets the title text, main.cex sets the font size, and main.y is used to move the main title up if more space is required for the plot.

title.tree <- create.phylogenetic.tree(
    main = 'Example Plot',
    main.y = 0.1,
    main.cex = 1

Ex. 6.4: Saving Plot to file

The create.phylogenetic.tree function can save the plot to a file by specifying the filename parameter. The file type is determined by the file extension. Supported file types are TIFF, PNG, PDF, and SVG. If a file extension is not specified, or is not one of the supported formats, CEV will use the default TIFF format. Below are the availble parameters, some of which are only applicable to certain file formats.

Parameters Description TIFF PNG PDF SVG
filename Path to output file x x x x
width Plot width x x x x
height Plot height x x x x
units Units for dimesions x x
res Resolution x x
bg Background colour x x
save.tree <- create.phylogenetic.tree(
    filename = 'figures/simple.tree.png',
    width = 3,
    height = 4,
    bg = 'transparent'

CCF Distribution Visualization

Input SNV-to-subclone Assignment Data

The input data frame for visualizing CCF distribution should contain the following columns: - ID: Sample identifier - SNV.id: Unique SNV identifier; typically in the format chr_pos_ref_alt - CCF: Cancer cell fraction (CCF) of the SNV in the sample - clone.id: Unique identifier for the subclone where the SNV is assigned to

ID SNV.id CCF clone.id
LN1 10_102747966_G_A 1.08 MRCA
LN2 10_102747966_G_A 1.25 MRCA
LN3 10_102747966_G_A 1.35 MRCA
R1 10_102747966_G_A 1.16 MRCA
R2 10_102747966_G_A 0.87 MRCA

Ex. 7.1: CCF Distribution Heatmap

The create.ccf.heatmap function is a wrapper for BBoutrosLab.plotting.general::create.heatmap, which creates a heatmap of the SNV CCF distribution across multiple samples. The input must be a 2D array containing CCF values, where each row represents an SNV and each column represents a sample. Users can use the data.frame.to.array function to convert the input data frame to the required array format.

ccf.array <- data.frame.to.array(snv);
    print.colour.key = TRUE,
    colourkey.cex = 1.5,
    xaxis.cex = 0

Ex. 7.2: CCF Distribution Across subclones

To visualize the CCF distribution across subclones, the create.cluster.heatmap function can be used. This function creates a heatmap of the SNV CCF values, ordered based on the cluster they are assigned to. To limit CCF values to a certain range, the ccf.limits parameter can be used.

    ccf.limits = c(0, 1)

Ex. 7.3: Summary of CCF Distribution

The create.ccf.summary.heatmap function creates a summary plot of the CCF distribution across samples. The plot shows the median CCF values for each sample and subclone, as well as the number of unique SNVs detected in a patien and assigned to each subclone. To specify an order for the samples and subclones, the sample.order and clone.order parameters can be used.

# Calculate median CCF per sample
median.ccf <- aggregate(CCF ~ ID + clone.id, data = snv, FUN = median);
names(median.ccf)[names(median.ccf) == 'CCF'] <- 'median.ccf.per.sample';
snv <- merge(snv, median.ccf, by = c('ID', 'clone.id'));

    ccf.limits = c(0, 1),
    clone.order = levels(snv$clone.id),
    sample.order = levels(snv$ID)

Ex. 7.4: Clone-Genome Distribution Plot

To survey the genome-wide distribution of SNVs across subclones, the create.clone.genome.distribution.plot function can be used. In the scatterplot, each point is an SNV and is coloured based on the subclone it is assigned to, which is also visualized as a density plot in the bottom plot.

Legend position can be defined using the legend.x and legend.y parameters. By default legends are plotted inside the plot area. To move the legend to the right side (outside) the plot area, set legend.x to a value greater than 1.

# Subset for clone size > 10
clone.nsnv <- aggregate(
    SNV.id ~ clone.id,
    data = snv,
    FUN = function(x) length(unique(x))
large.clone <- clone.nsnv[clone.nsnv$SNV.id > 10, 'clone.id'];

sub.snv <- snv[snv$clone.id %in% large.clone, ];
sub.snv$clone.id <- factor(sub.snv$clone.id, levels = large.clone);
    legend.x = 1.1

## $all